Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Electionem Febris

Knowing its election time is easy in Malta! There is no local TV station, no street, no social media network, no letterbox, no cell phone, in poor words nobody is "safe" to be left alone.

Sometimes I wonder if being bombarded for 3 months in such a brute way has a positive or negative effect on us common people. I, to begin with, am already in a situation of shutting down most of the efforts of the political parties. I am not a person that lives street parties, so not interested in mass meetings, don't really appreciate junk mail, so the piles of leaflets I receive end directly in the recycle bin and honestly if I am watching TV I hate people commenting during a program, like the lot arguing on Facebook who's wrong or who's right whilst ignoring the essence of the talks themselves.

Maybe I am boring, but I guess this nation should grow more when it comes to politics. Having two main parties, we are automatically dragged in being A against B or better blue against red and vice versa. Just imagine if green had as much power - would it make a difference? Imagine there was a yellow too - now that would make a greater difference! The importance would be divided and ultimately focused - focused on the well being of the nation and its people.

Sometimes when I hear 'common' people talking politics, it's impressive how personal people talk, how knowledgable they suddenly become, talking about finances, engineering projects, energy infrastructure etc - and I can't help but notice that a lot of these people do not have the expertise in these fields. They just parrot talk anything their favourite party says and defend it dearly. There is absolutely nothing bad to defend one's ideals, but before making a fuss and accuse others that they are wrong and you are right (your party is right I mean), did you take a minute to analyse all that you hear or read on the news (or from a friend at a bar)? Maybe a distinction from politics to parties and football should be clearly made for some.

The one thing that strikes me most is the fact that the promo materials of both parties are not about what each party will be doing or proposing, but why one shouldn't vote the other! TV clips that even the music puts you in a negative vibe accompanied by a storyline fit of horror movie. Again been there seen that and if I feel that way I guess a lot more feel the same way, or else I might be mad or living on another island.

I tried to follow a bit of what is happening at the moment and the thing which baffles me is the ability of each party to disagree and possibly 'destroy' or ridicule each others ideas or opinions. Simply imagine if they told each other "we do like your idea and we want to add this and it comes better!" Yes SIMPLY IMAGINE - and only imagining we will, as guess that would never happen!!